Dear booked users,

Welcome to "Booked", our scheduler for over 90 ressources, several institutes and more than 900 users, formally known as PhPscheduleIt.

Link: is external)

New users, please register with as much details as possible (especially Workgroup and phone number).

After logging in, you can switch to the language of your choice.

Click on “Schedule / Bookings” and you will get to the calendar.

You may change your user name and password as well as "Notification Preferences" under “My Account”. 

For CyTUM-MIH, please request sort appointments at sends e-mail). We will then proceed with the booking.

If you have any questions concerning registration, permissions or missing bookings, please feel free to ask us (Tel.: 7450 or sends e-mail)) .

"Impressum" and "Datenschutz" of this homepage apply to the scheduler "Booked" as well.